Please see attached timetable for Mayo Indoor Championships on Sunday 28th January in Claremorris.

All events start at 10am sharp (except for Shot Putt).

Registration from 8.45am.

Official’s check-in and photos 9am.

As the outdoor Shot Putt area  is currently in poor condition, it has been agreed that the Shot Putt competition will be held Indoors from 8am until 10am.  Could all SP competitors report to the Indoor Shot Putt area as soon as possible after arrival. 

If the Shot Putt competition is not concluded by 10am, athletes who have not competed will be accommodated later in the day.
We would appreciate if athletes taking part in the SP from Lake District, St. Coleman's, Claremorris and it's environs could arrive between 8am and 9am to facilitate others who have longer journeys. 

CLICK HERE for Timetable ( Remember Events are subject to change)